News Room

Senator Eliot Shapleigh Endorses Bill White for Texas Governor
November 23, 2009

"I am very excited today to endorse Bill White as the next Governor of the great state of Texas. Under his proven, responsible leadership, our great state can finally deal with the challenges of our times."

Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,


I am very excited today to endorse Bill White as the next Governor of the great state of Texas.

Under his proven, responsible leadership, our great state can finally deal with the challenges of our times: better paying jobs, great schools, affordable college, water, real access to healthcare, 21st century infrastructure and sustainable energy.

More than eight in ten Houstonians believe in his leadership. His rapid, compassionate and effective response to those hurt by Katrina put him on the national stage. His record as Mayor speaks volumes on how to deal with challenges today, and not pass them to another generation. He is a leader who will build a consensus to then build a better Texas.

Four more years under Rick Perry is simply not an option for us. Under his failed, divisive, pay to play leadership, Texas is now first in dropouts and last in citizens with health insurance. Our skies are the most polluted in America. Annual interest rates on loans from Laredo to Lampassas now top 1100%.

Worse, homeowner's insurance and electricity rates are among the highest in the US. Agency after agency is now broke—with a record deficit on the near horizon.

Perry's pay to play values have handed the keys to Texas to a legion of lobbyists and access to your wallet to one predatory lender worse than the next.

Now is the time for real leadership for Texas—and Bill White is that proven and responsible leader. God Bless Texas—and God Bless our next Governor Bill White.

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