February 11, 2009
"Here is the reality behind the rhetoric. 5.83 million Texans do not have health insurance—one in four—making Texas the least insured state in the nation. Not a single Texas city even reaches the national average in citizens with health insurance. From 2000 to 2007, Texas families saw their health insurance premiums soar 86.8 percent—nearly six times more than their median earnings increased. 29 cents of every private pay health dollar now goes for denial management and administration—in other words, Texans are paying more for less health care. That's the reality. Now, what are lawmakers going to do about it?"
Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

EL PASO - On Monday, February 9, 2009 at 10 a.m. in the Lt. Governor's Press Room in the Capitol Building, Senator Eliot Shapleigh will unveil the fourth edition of "Texas on the Brink: How Texas Ranks Among the 50 States."
Today, Texas is on the brink, ranking last or near last in almost every category, from education to care for children and women, protecting our environment to providing access to capital to Texas' businesses.
On Monday, Senator Shapleigh will look at the real state of Texas' health care.
"Here is the reality behind the rhetoric. 5.83 million Texans do not have health insurance—one in four—making Texas the least insured state in the nation. Not a single Texas city even reaches the national average in citizens with health insurance. From 2000 to 2007, Texas families saw their health insurance premiums soar 86.8 percent—nearly six times more than their median earnings increased," Senator Shapleigh said. 'Twenty-nine cents of every private pay health dollar now goes for denial management and administration—in other words, Texans are paying more for less health care. That's the reality. Now, what are lawmakers going to do about it?"
During Monday's press conference, Senator Shapleigh will discuss five critical health care issues facing the Texas Senate this Legislative Session.
Joyce Carter, a mother of two from Dime Box, Texas will also testify on her experience caring for an injured child without health insurance. Because of an error, Carter received neither Medicaid nor CHIP coverage during this trying period of her life.
For more information on "Texas on the Brink," please click here.
What: Senator Shapleigh to release "Texas on the Brink: How Texas Ranks Among the 50 States," discuss state of Texas health care
Where: Lt. Governor's Press Room, Texas Capitol 2E.9
When: 10:00 a.m. Monday, February 9, 2009
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