
February 15, 2007

“One year ago today, Jennifer’s life ended in tragic violence. With this bill, we remember her, honor her and re-dedicate ourselves to breaking the cycle of violence that hurts so many women and families all across Texas.”

Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

AUSTIN  Today, Senator Shapleigh filed "Jennifer's Law," a bill to honor teenage victims of violent crimes.  The bill would allow certain school districts to issue a high school diploma to a senior student who has been the victim of criminal homicide in that year.

Jennifer's Law is named after Jennifer Ann Crecente, a Bowie High School senior who was murdered by a former boyfriend in Austin on February 15, 2006.  She was an active camp counselor and hospital volunteer.  Jennifer died a few months shy from graduation.

With Jennifer's Law, Jennifer will receive her high school diploma.

Jennifer's grandmother, Dr. Elizabeth L. Richeson, said, "February 15th is the first anniversary of our Jennifer's death.  I have to see this as a gift for her."

“One year ago today, Jennifer’s life ended in tragic violence. With this bill, we remember her, honor her and re-dedicate ourselves to breaking the cycle of violence that hurts so many women and families all across Texas,” added Senator Shapleigh.

In Jennifer's memory, family and friends created Jennifer Ann's Group, a non-profit organization that works to educate teens and their friends and families about the prevalence of teen dating violence, as well as how to identify abusive relationships. Since its inception Jennifer Ann’s Group has piloted an Educational Card program with credit-card quality plastic cards that identify warning signs of an abusive relationship.  

For more information on Jennifer Ann's Group visit         

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E. Anthony Martinez

Communications Director

Office of Senator Eliot Shapleigh

Texas State Capitol – E1.610

Austin, Texas 78711

512.463.0129 (phone)


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