
Friedman tossing cowboy hat back into the ring today in Texas governor's race
September 2, 2009

Calling himself the "only true man of the people" in the race, Austin author-entertainer Kinky Friedman plans to launch his Democratic campaign for governor today with a statewide media tour starting in Austin.

Written by Dave Montgomery, Fort Worth Star- Telegram

AUSTIN — Calling himself the "only true man of the people" in the race, Austin author-entertainer Kinky Friedman plans to launch his Democratic campaign for governor today with a statewide media tour starting in Austin.

Reached Monday, Friedman had little to say about the other Democratic candidates, saying his main objective is ousting Republican Gov. Rick Perry.

He also spun off a campaign line from the dust-up this year over Perry’s much-publicized suggestions that some Texans are so fed up with Washington that they might want to secede from the rest of the nation. "I think it’s time for Texas to secede from Rick Perry," Friedman said.

Making his second run for governor, Friedman would bring to five the number of Democrats seeking the top state office in 2010. The other candidates include Fort Worth attorney and former U.S. Ambassador Tom Schieffer, Fort Worth school teacher Felix Alvarado, Garland therapist for the blind Mark Thompson and rancher Hank Gilbert of Whitehouse.

The widening Democratic race has been overshadowed by the Republican primary showdown between Perry and U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, but Friedman could liven things up with his arsenal of irreverent quips and one-liners.

Friedman, 64, drew 12 percent of the vote as an independent among six candidates in the 2006 governor’s race. He has spent the past four months preparing to take on Perry as a Democrat and has vowed to run "a serious campaign" inspired by past Democratic stalwarts such as former Gov. Ann Richards and former U.S. Rep. Barbara Jordan.

Democratic analysts and party activists offered differing assessments on his potential impact. "Kinky is a character and he can be funny, but I don’t think many Texans are going to think this is a time for a distracting entertainer," said Democratic consultant Glenn Smith of Austin.

But Houston consultant Dan McClung said Friedman could hurt Schieffer’s candidacy by drawing away activist Democrats who distrust Schieffer because of his friendship and past business ties with former President George W. Bush. Schieffer served as an ambassador to Australia and Japan under the Bush administration and was a partner with Bush in the Texas Rangers baseball organization.

Schieffer has repeatedly sought to erase party skepticism over his ties to Bush and recently won the endorsements of four leading Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives. Asked about Friedman’s impact on the race, Schieffer spokesman Clay Robison responded, "All I can say is I hope it’s minimal." Schieffer declined to comment.

Friedman campaign manager Rania Batrice said the statewide announcement tour will consist primarily of media appearances and interviews in selected cities. The tour will run from Tuesday through Thursday and include stops in Houston, Dallas, El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley.

"We’ve got lots of supporters," she said. "We’ve talked to a lot of people who will be endorsing us, but we haven’t rolled those out yet."

Friedman also plans Bloody Mary Morning, a high-profile fundraiser with fellow musician Willie Nelson on Sept. 16 in Plano.

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