
McLeroy confirmation back on track
May 21, 2009

Nominations Committee Chairman Mike Jackson, R-La Porte, had left McLeroy’s confirmation languishing in committee for weeks because there was said to be enough opposition on the Senate floor to block the confirmation. A two-thirds vote of the 31-member Senate is needed to confirm the governor’s nominee.

Written by Kate Alexander, The Austin American Statesman

Senators on Wednesday breathed new life into the confirmation of State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy.

Nominations Committee Chairman Mike Jackson, R-La Porte, had left McLeroy’s confirmation languishing in committee for weeks because there was said to be enough opposition on the Senate floor to block the confirmation. A two-thirds vote of the 31-member Senate is needed to confirm the governor’s nominee.

But in a hastily called meeting at a senator’s desk, committee members voted 4 to 2 to send McLeroy’s confirmation to the floor. Democratic Sens. Kirk Watson of Austin and Eliot Shapleigh of El Paso were the nays.

Jackson said Wednesday that McLeroy had been meeting with the members to change some minds and had reportedly been successful.

The floor debate, which is expected to be lively, could come on Monday or Tuesday, Jackson said.


Click here to watch the nominations meeting and comments following the meeting.

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