
State school reforms get early OK
May 20, 2009

Senate Bill 643, a version of which has passed the Senate, calls for an independent ombudsman to monitor the 13 institutions known as state schools that are home to nearly 5,000 Texans. It also mandates video cameras in common areas and improved staff training. And it seeks to change the name of state schools — which are residences, not schools — to "state supported living centers" (the Senate version would change the name to "state developmental centers").

Written by Corrie MacLaggan, The Austin American Statesman

The state's troubled institutions for Texans with mental disabilities — and community homes that serve a similar population — would get more oversight and security through a reform measure the House tentatively approved Monday.

"The state has done a poor job of ensuring that the systems are in place to protect these individuals," said state Rep. Patrick Rose, D-Dripping Springs, the House sponsor of the measure. The proposal "takes us a long way forward."

Senate Bill 643, a version of which has passed the Senate, calls for an independent ombudsman to monitor the 13 institutions known as state schools that are home to nearly 5,000 Texans. It also mandates video cameras in common areas and improved staff training. And it seeks to change the name of state schools — which are residences, not schools — to "state supported living centers" (the Senate version would change the name to "state developmental centers").

Gov. Rick Perry designated fixing state schools as a legislative emergency after a December report by the U.S. Department of Justice said Texas' institutions fail to provide adequate health care and protect residents from harm. Some have called for closing a number of state schools, but the bill approved Monday does not call for any such closures.

The state schools attracted more scrutiny in March, when Corpus Christi police said some employees of the state school there had been organizing fights among residents.

"This comprehensive legislation provides enhanced protection for some of our most vulnerable citizens," Perry said. The video surveillance is "paramount to preventing, deterring and detecting abuse and neglect of state school residents."

If the bill is given final approval by the House, the House and Senate would then work out the differences between the versions.

Unlike the Senate version, the House one also strengthens oversight of community homes. It would require unannounced inspections of the homes and require the state to investigate abuse and neglect allegations at private state-licensed residences that now conduct their own investigations.

Corpus Christi resident Rodolfo Medina, whose 41-year-old son Daniel has lived at Corpus Christi State School since he was 13, said changes such as adding cameras are good ideas because "things can happen in an instant." But Medina, who said he is pleased with his son's care, said what's really needed is more staff.

"Until they get enough workers doing direct care, nothing is going to change," Medina said.

State Rep. Abel Herrero, D-Robstown, whose district includes Corpus Christi State School, vowed that more changes are to come.

"This bill should not be viewed as the end of the state's involvement or commitment or dedication to persons with intellectual disabilities," Herrero said. "This bill should be the beginning of the state finally meeting its legal, ethical and moral obligation (to) ... our state's most vulnerable population."

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