
Texas Senate goes for green energy
May 11, 2009

Under a proposal tentatively approved in the Senate on Monday, more energy would be produced in Texas from renewable sources such as solar energy in the years to come. The bill mandates the development of 1500 megawatts of renewable energy by 2020.

Written by , The Associated Press

AUSTIN (AP) -- Under a proposal tentatively approved in the Senate on Monday, more energy would be produced in Texas from renewable sources such as solar energy in the years to come. The bill mandates the development of 1500 megawatts of renewable energy by 2020.

The measure by Democratic Sen. Kirk Watson of Austin expands the state's "renewable portfolio standard," providing incentives for the development of renewables.

Already, Texas is investing $5 billion in new transmission lines for wind energy projects, and supporters of Watson's bill say it would complement that wind initiative.

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