
Senate panel approves tuition limits
April 28, 2009

A proposal that would limit the authority of public university governing boards to raise tuition cleared the Senate Higher Education Committee today and now goes to the full Senate.

Written by Ralph K.M. Haurwitz, The Austin American Statesman

A proposal that would limit the authority of public university governing boards to raise tuition cleared the Senate Higher Education Committee today and now goes to the full Senate.

Senate Bill 1443, by Sen. Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, who chairs the panel, would limit increases in tuition and mandatory fees at the 35 institutions in various ways depending on a school’s current charges, recent increases and other circumstances. The limits include the inflation rate, 5 percent, $315 a year and $630 a year. The amount of legislative appropriations is also factored into the calculations.

Lawmakers have been considering about a dozen tuition-related bills this session. Any controls on tuition would amount to a major policy shift. Lawmakers gave governing boards unfettered authority to control tuition in 2003.

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