
Sen. Shapleigh Calls For Cleaner TCEQ
April 27, 2009

Texas Sen. Eliot Shapleigh teamed up with senators from all over Texas at a press conference in Austin Monday, calling on Gov. Rick Perry to take a look at the business practices of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Written by Isaac Paul Vasquez, KFOX TV

AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Sen. Eliot Shapleigh teamed up with senators from all over Texas at a press conference in Austin Monday, calling on Gov. Rick Perry to take a look at the business practices of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Shapleigh said in one instance the commission had secret contacts between it and ASARCO before their permit was issued and that might have influenced their decision.

Now Shapleigh is calling on Perry to "clean house."

"And if there's people violating the law like we think happened with ASARCO, those folks need to go to jail. We need agencies that serve public good and not private gain," he said.

Shapleigh said he would also like to see ethics provisions and punishments created for those who violate them.

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