
Texas Legislators want to ban trans fats
April 7, 2009

"Across Texas, the silent epidemic of obesity is shortening lives, raising health-care costs and putting more and more Texans at risk," Shapleigh said. "With Senate Bill 204 and companion (bills) in the House, we can make sure more Texans live strong and healthy lives."

Written by Sarah Moore, The Beaumont Enterprise

Jason's Deli cut trans fats from the menu in 2005.

The Dunkin Donuts chain followed the nationwide health trend in 2007.

As more and more people become aware of the dangers of trans fat, both large chains and mom-and-pop restaurants are removing the ingredient from their menu items.

Now, in the interests of reducing obesity-related diseases and the resulting high costs of health care, the Texas legislature is looking at making such a ban mandatory.

On Monday, Texas Sen. Eliot Shapleigh and Rep. Carol Alvarado had a press conference in support of a bill that would outlaw trans fats in the state's restaurants.

"Across Texas, the silent epidemic of obesity is shortening lives, raising health-care costs and putting more and more Texans at risk," Shapleigh said. "With Senate Bill 204 and companion (bills) in the House, we can make sure more Texans live strong and healthy lives."

Trans fats, commonly identified on ingredient lists as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, are created when hydrogen is added to oil, altering its molecular structure and increasing saturation.

Hydrogenated oils have a higher melting point, making them attractive for baking as well as lengthening products' shelf lives, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But these pluses come with some pretty significant minuses for health.

Consumption of trans fats increases risk of coronary heart disease by raising levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and lowering the "good" HDL cholesterol.

Trans fats such as vaccenic acid that occur naturally in meat and dairy products in trace amounts are not as harmful as the hydrogenated oils.

The Austin-based Texas Restaurant Association supports the legislation. If passed, larger chains of 15 or more locations would have until Sept. 1, 2010, to comply; smaller businesses would have an extra year.

Shapleigh and Alvarado said there is little or no cost increase to businesses in eliminating trans fats, but not everyone agrees.

Reza Sehat, owner of two Dunkin Donuts franchises in Beaumont, said it does cost more to switch to other types of oil. However, he feels it's worth it.

"There's a higher cost; but the health benefit outweighs it," he said.

The difference in the end result has not been an insurmountable problem.

"At first people could see some difference, but they got used to it," Sehat said.

Following in the footsteps of Jason's Deli, Beaumont-based Rao's Bakery has been cutting trans fats from its products, Calder Avenue manager Jude Tortorice said.

"We're probably 95 percent trans fat-free," he said, adding that when bringing in a new recipe or product, its wholesomeness is a primary consideration.

However, Tortorice said for some items, such as doughnuts, it's been difficult to find an acceptable substitute for the trans fat used for frying.

When deciding on whether to cut trans fat from an item, Rao's looks at the effect on cost, quality and taste of the product.

Visitors to Rao's said they were pleased that the bakery has drastically cut use of trans fats - but did not necessarily agree about the proposed legislation.

Beaumont resident Dwight Edwards had ducked into Rao's for a cookie break Monday afternoon.

The 58-year-old engineer said he tries to eat a healthy diet and appreciates restaurants and chains that give him trans fat-free options - but he thinks the legislature should reject the bill.

"I kind of hate to see them get involved in it," he said, adding that promoting education and information on trans fats might be a more appropriate action for lawmakers to take.

However, Bonnie Penland, who stopped into the bakery to pick up a sandwich, saw nothing wrong with the ban.

"It's not a bad idea," she said. "It's wise not to eat too much trans fat."

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