
February 13, 2009

Opponents of reopening the ASARCO smelter site won a major victory when ASARCO LLC decided against reopening the site. This event will celebrate El Paso's grass roots efforts in opposing the smelter's reopening with live music, food and information on local civic groups. The event will also provide an opportunity for El Pasoans to present creative ideas for the prospective uses of the ASARCO property.

Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

EL PASO - On Saturday, February 21, 2009, beginning at 11 a.m., the office of Senator Eliot Shapleigh and a coalition of El Paso organizations will host "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future," on the University of Texas at El Paso campus.

Opponents of reopening the ASARCO smelter site won a major victory when ASARCO LLC decided against reopening the site. This event will celebrate El Paso's grass roots efforts in opposing the smelter's reopening with live music, food and information on local civic groups. The event will also provide an opportunity for El Pasoans to present creative ideas for the prospective uses of the ASARCO property.

Students for Reform, Get the Lead Out Coalition and neighborhood associations, along with the Office of Senator Eliot Shapleigh and others, will host the event.

Grassroots organizations are encouraged to sign up with Analisa Cordova in the office of Senator Eliot Shapleigh if they wish to have an informational table at the event. Analisa may be reached at or 915-544-1990.

“Now, we can move to a new era of better jobs, clean skies and healthier neighborhoods. Winning this battle with ASARCO is as important to our future as creating the medical school. Since the 1880’s, ASARCO has defined our past—now our talent and aspirations will define our future," Senator Shapleigh said.

Submit your idea: What will we do with the ASARCO site now?

El Pasoans are already looking forward to the prospects of a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous El Paso. On February 21, "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future" will feature creative ideas about prospective uses for the ASARCO site that will benefit job creation and quality of life in our integrated economic region.

Citizens interested in submitting ideas should prepare a PDF or PowerPoint document with the following elements:

A project title
A detailed description of the prospective reuse for the ASARCO smelter site
A list of names of presenters and/or organization

"Best idea" submissions will be presented February 21 at "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future." Submitted presentations should be limited to two minutes in length. Quality and creativity are encouraged. Audio and visual equipment will be provided the day of the event.

During "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future," organizers will also collect video testimonials from El Pasoans on their thoughts about ASARCO's closing, and their ideas for what they would like to see on the smelter's site. Videos will be featured on the event's Web site. To submit a video before February 21, citizens can visit the event's YouTube page, "100 Voices in the Sun," by visiting

For more information on "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future," please visit

What: "A Day in the Sun: Adios ASARCO, Hello Future."

When:  On Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

Where: 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.: Presentations in the Union Cinema, UTEP; 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Celebration in the Union Plaza, UTEP



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Click below to watch highlights from the ADIOS ASARCO event


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