
Perry nominates three to commission posts
February 12, 2009

The final commission nominee is Houston resident Reed Morian, whose name has surfaced in past commission appointee conversations. Morian is president and CEO of DX Service Company and serves on a number of conservation and preservation boards in the Houston area. He replaces Bob Brown of El Paso.

Written by Staff, The Austin American Statesman

Gov. Rick Perry has nominated three Texans for six-year terms on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.

The move is a bit of a break with recent tradition, since Perry typically has allowed some or all the sitting commissioners to continue serving well past the official Feb. 1 end of their terms. TPWD's nine commissioners serve six-year terms, with three members rotating off the board in each legislative session.

For the second time in a row, Perry has re-nominated a sitting commissioner for another term. Two years ago, the choice was Peter Holt, who was subsequently named commission chairman.

This year's re-appointment will be Margaret Martin of Boerne. Martin, whose family owns businesses in Laredo, was appointed two years ago to complete the term of Ned Holmes, who went to the Texas Transportation Commission.

Rick Campbell of Center was selected to take the position vacated by the late John Parker of Lufkin.

Campbell is chairman of the Shelby Savings Bank Board and past owner of the Center Auction Company.

The final commission nominee is Houston resident Reed Morian, whose name has surfaced in past commission appointee conversations. Morian is president and CEO of DX Service Company and serves on a number of conservation and preservation boards in the Houston area. He replaces Bob Brown of El Paso.

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