
Asarco will end attempts to reopen El Paso copper smelter
February 3, 2009

Asarco LLC has informed the Texas Commission on Environmental that it does not plan to reopen its copper smelter in El Paso, company officials announced Tuesday.

Written by Diana Washington Valdez, The El Paso Times

EL PASO - Asarco LLC has informed the Texas Commission on Environmental that it does not plan to reopen its copper smelter in El Paso, company officials announced Tuesday.

The decision is based on the dramatic downturn of the world economy in the last six months, according to statement by Asarco.

Thomas L. Aldrich, Asarco vice president of environmental affairs said, "We've always believed that an operating copper smelter is the best use of our property in El Paso, and we have worked hard toward the goal of reopening the smelter.

"Unfortunately, due to the extreme economic conditions world wide that have occurred during the last six months, we can no longer financially afford to continue pursuing that goal."

Asarco is working with the state of Texas to fund a custodial trust for the demolition of the plant and remediation of the site.

Aldrich added, "We're deeply saddened by this decision and we'd like to thank all of our many supporters in El Paso and Texas. We also want to assure the community that we're working to ensure that our property is left in a condition that will be an asset to a great community that we have enjoyed working and living in for more than 110 years."

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