
El Paso lawmakers eager to work with new speaker
January 14, 2009

Republican state Rep. Joe Straus of San Antonio received a standing ovation as he took the Texas House speaker's gavel Tuesday after being unanimously elected to lead the chamber, ending six years of leadership by controversial state Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland.

Written by Brandi Grissom, The El Paso Times

AUSTIN -- Republican state Rep. Joe Straus of San Antonio received a standing ovation as he took the Texas House speaker's gavel Tuesday after being unanimously elected to lead the chamber, ending six years of leadership by controversial state Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland.

"Let us come together as colleagues and servants to do what is right for Texas," Straus said. "Collaboration is the key to success in this session."

Straus was elected by acclamation of the 150 House legislators after the chamber gaveled in for the start of the 140-day biennial legislative session.

El Paso's lawmakers, all Democrats, said they were optimistic that Straus would bring the new sense of bipartisanship that he has promised and that his colleagues in the Texas House have demanded.

"Relief is probably the best word really to describe today," said state Rep. Joe Pickett, D-El Paso, who helped escort the new speaker onto the floor after the election. "Everybody certainly is excited that it's going to be different."

Straus ascended to one of the most powerful posts in Texas amid a 48-hour firestorm of political maneuvering last week by legislators who had grown weary of what they alleged was iron-fisted leadership by Craddick.

In his speech Tuesday, Straus, who is starting only his third term in the Texas House, promised a fresh start, a freer environment and a spirit of bipartisanship.

"We will create an atmosphere where everyone's voice can and should be heard," he said. "A place where we respect each other's points of view -- Democrat and Republican, urban and rural, liberal and conservative."

In nominating speeches, two Republican legislators and four Democrats described Straus as a natural leader, trustworthy and good-hearted.

"His gentle and wise leadership will permeate this place," said state Rep. Jim McReynolds, D-Lufkin. "And we'll look back on the 81st legislative session as one of moderation, cooperation and success."

State Rep. Chente Quintanilla, D-El Paso, said that legislators from the border city would be well-positioned under Straus' administration. All five El Paso lawmakers in the Texas House supported Straus early in his speaker campaign, and Quintanilla said local legislators are friends with lawmakers on Straus' leadership team.

"I think it will be great for El Paso, because we can go to them," Quintanilla said.

Although the first day was bright and calm after a week of tempestuous political wrangling, state Rep. Norma Chávez, D-El Paso, said Texas lawmakers have some tough times ahead.

Lawmakers have $9 billion less than they had two years ago to write the state's budget, and Chávez said hurt feelings linger among legislators bruised from political battles of the recent past.

"We all need to be respectful that we are 74 Democrats and 76 Republicans and that the voters want their government governed from the middle," she said. "That is our challenge."

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