
Straus likely to bring new tone
January 11, 2009

The changes come with the end of Speaker Tom Craddick's three terms of iron-handed leadership in the House. Craddick was known for handling legislation with a no-prisoners approach.

Written by R.G. Ratcliffe, The Houston Chronicle

AUSTIN — The old political saw is: You've got to dance with them who brung you, and the "them" who brought Rep. Joe Straus to the House speakership are Democrats and moderate Republicans.

For Texans, that means a new team of House lawmakers will lead critical committees involving everything from future college costs to hurricane relief, from new roads to prison security.

A new political playing field also will make a huge difference in what issues get the most attention from the Legislature when it convenes Tuesday.

New doors will be open for regulation of utilities and homebuilders, for environmental regulation and changes to the Windstorm Insurance Pool, according to legislative observers.

Odds for casino gambling may have improved.

And if state budget cuts are needed, they may not be as draconian as those made during a 2003 state financial crisis.

The changes come with the end of Speaker Tom Craddick's three terms of iron-handed leadership in the House. Craddick was known for handling legislation with a no-prisoners approach.

When Republicans joined with Democrats in 2005 for legislation to grant property tax relief to homeowners with expanded homestead exemptions, Craddick pressured his fellow Republicans into killing the bill instead because the measure didn't give businesses any tax breaks.

Those tactics led to Craddick's demise.

Straus, R-San Antonio, is all but elected speaker, though the official vote won't happen until Tuesday. A bloc of 64 Democrats and 11 Republicans, who committed to Straus, broke Craddick's grip on the 150-member House. Straus has promised a more inclusive House that gives all legislators more opportunity to influence legislation.

And with the chamber divided 76 Republicans to 74 Democrats, members are looking for bipartisan cooperation — or the prospect of gridlock.

Time for payback?

Cathie Adams, president of the conservative Texas Eagle Forum, said she fears Straus will take a Republican House and give in to Democrats because they helped boot Craddick out.

"If the Democrats chose him, he's going to have to pay back the favors," Adams said.

Rep. Edmund Kuemple, R-Seguin, one of the Republicans who helped Straus succeed, said there is no reason to believe Democrats will have extra influence over the new speaker.

"We're starting at ground zero to be inclusive," Kuemple said. "There's nothing they owe us, and there's nothing we owe them. No promises were made in any way, shape or form."

Some of Straus' fellow lawmakers say they still want to know more about where the likely new speaker wants to take the House.

"What is the agenda?" asked Frank Corte, R-San Antonio, chairman of the GOP caucus.

Rep. Scott Hochberg, D-Houston, said the Republican majority in 2003 not only pushed through deep budget cuts but also made changes in the Children's Health Insurance Program and in the regulation of college tuition. Those kinds of permanent changes will not be made in the House now with its near-even partisan divide, he predicted.

"Clearly, the fact we are about at a 50-50 split in the House means you have to stay away from the extreme positions in order to pass anything," Hochberg said.

Some changes will be determined by Straus, who will decide who heads what committee, and who serves on them. For example, the current chairman of the Insurance Committee, John Smithee, R-Amarillo, has focused on protecting inland homeowners from subsidizing coastal insurance rates.

Focus on insurance

A new chairman would be handed the task of reforming the Windstorm Insurance Pool, important to coastal residents, particularly in the Houston-Galveston area. Even if Smithee remains as chairman, state Rep. Craig Eiland, D-Galveston, would have an increased say over the legislation because of the changing House dynamics.

Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, another of Straus' allies, said the House will be more open to legislative debate and compromise.

"He's a presiding officer, not a commanding officer," Eissler said.

Efforts to require personal identification for voting may hit the House floor, but he said it is more likely to result in compromise between Republican fears of fraudulent elections and Democratic concerns over voter disenfranchisement.

"You'll see a different flavor of legislation," Eissler said.

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