
October 8, 2007

"Art is the view from our soul. With this state funding, more El Paso artists can create and promote the unique and wonderful art that makes us who we are today."

Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

EL PASO –  Senator Eliot Shapleigh is pleased to announce that the Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) has awarded $107,811 to El Paso arts organizations for fiscal year 2008.  

"We are appreciative to the Commission for supporting arts organizations in El Paso," said Senator Shapleigh.  "Art is the view from our soul. With this state funding, more El Paso artists can create and promote the unique and wonderful art that makes us who we are today."

The arts organizations that received grants in El Paso include:

•    Chamizal National Memorial
•    City of El Paso, Museums & Cultural Affairs Department
•    City of El Paso, El Paso Museum of Art
•    El Paso Playhouse
•    El Paso Symphony Orchestra
•    International Hispanic Cultural Institute
•    Kids Excel El Paso
•    Theatre, Inc.
•    UTEP, Art Galleries
•    UTEP, Office of Special Events & Union Programs

During the coming year, TCA will award over 500 additional grants through its mini-grants process.  Funding for TCA grants comes from a variety of sources including state General Revenue, the National Endowment for the Arts, interest earning on the Texas Cultural Endowment Fund, support from the Texas Cultural Council and revenue earned by TCA through sales of the State of the Arts specialty license plate.  Additional funds for music education are provided through TCA's participation in the Texas Music Project.

TCA was organized in 1965 by the Texas Legislature to develop a receptive climate for the arts in Texas.  TCA provides funding and other supportive measures, such as arts education and cultural tourism programs, for a variety of arts-related activities, including visual and literary arts, film and multi-media, music, dance and theater.

For more information on TCA and its programs, please visit  

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