News Room

Snowy Franklins on Thanksgiving weekend 2007

Snowy Franklins on Thanksgiving weekend 2007

News Archive

Community Angry Over ASARCO Cleanup Payment
May 12, 2009

A crowd of angry lawmakers and citizens gathered at City Hall Monday night after learning ASARCO may only pay a fraction of what it could take to remediate the El Paso smelter.

Action needed to ease shortage of nurses
May 12, 2009

As other parts of the country grapple with the worst recession in generations, the Abilene economy has remained resilient. From plastic food container manufacturing to wind turbine tower development, expansions in a number of areas have bolstered local job creation.

Texas Senate goes for green energy
May 11, 2009

Under a proposal tentatively approved in the Senate on Monday, more energy would be produced in Texas from renewable sources such as solar energy in the years to come. The bill mandates the development of 1500 megawatts of renewable energy by 2020.

Bill dissolves transportation agency
May 12, 2009

State Rep. Joe Pickett reignited a political storm with a measure he quietly added to a large transportation bill lawmakers approved Monday. His measure would allow the dissolution of the agency set up to finance and build roads in El Paso.

Green Mountain Energy to buy power from customers with solar panels
May 11, 2009

Green Mountain Energy Co. will announce today a program to attract solar energy customers by buying the electricity generated from home arrays at retail rates.
Also Online

NTSB: Texas is middling on highway safety
May 11, 2009

Texas is in the middle of the road when it comes to highway safety legislation — mostly because of a shortage of drunken driving laws, according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

Texas Senate passes ban on trans fat
May 9, 2009

The measure would require large restaurant chains – those with 15 or more locations – to be trans fat-free by Sept. 1, 2010, with smaller chains and standalone establishments given an extra year to comply.

From the Senator's Desk . . .
May 7, 2009

"Go back to the election cycle in 2008. The predatory lending industry spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions to state legislators and to pay lobbyists knowing that laws to regulate interest rates and help struggling families were on the way. These dollars had one goal—to kill any bills that regulate predatory lending and cap interest rates on predatory loans."

Senate votes to rein in tuition increases
May 5, 2009

Tuition increases at public universities in Texas would be sharply restricted under legislation approved unanimously by the Texas Senate on Monday.

CHIP expansion bill sails through Senate
May 7, 2009

Senate Bill 841 by Sen. Kip Averitt, R-Waco, creates a buy-in option for participation in the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program for families that earn up to 300 percent, or three times, the federal poverty level. This would impact a family of four earning up to $66,000.

Sweeping school accountability bill will improve Texas education
May 4, 2009

The sweeping school accountability bills passed by the Texas House and Senate last week make much needed changes in the way the state evaluates schools and prepares students for college.

Records show appointees gave Perry $5 million
May 5, 2009

Nearly half the appointee donations came from people serving as higher education regents, including more than $840,000 from those at the University of Texas System, according to a Houston Chronicle review of campaign-finance records.

Bill would localize regulation of board and care homes
May 2, 2009

Shapleigh's bill this year calls for the Department of State Health Services to issue licenses and set rules. The cost would drop some because local governments would be encouraged to enter into pacts with the department, under which they'd do the inspections themselves.

Texas cities taking on legal loan sharks
May 5, 2009

In a step that illustrates a growing fight against predatory practices by payday lenders, officials in the city of Irving are researching whether state law would allow the city to cap interest rates charged by such lenders.

High noon approaching for solar energy in the legislature
May 7, 2009

I love the Lone Star state nickname for Texas, but if we didn't already have such a great one, the “Solar State” wouldn't be inaccurate.

TCEQ member reappointed amid opposition
May 6, 2009

Sen. Eliot Shapleigh and several other Senate Demo crats failed Tuesday to block the reappointment of a commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Perry appointee criticized as unqualified
May 6, 2009

One of Gov. Rick Perry's nominees to the state Board of Pardons and Paroles is facing opposition from critics who say she has no criminal justice experience and is best known as a Republican campaigner and crusader against the sale of sex toys in Texas.

From the Senator's Desk . . .
May 2, 2009

Let's first acknowledge the problem. When our community has scores of people on FBI target lists, El Paso has one of the largest public-corruption investigations in the United States.

Texas must tackle issue of uninsured children
May 5, 2009

That has been true for more than a decade but does not have to be if the Legislature passes separate measures that will expand health insurance to poor children and children whose parents work but earn too little to afford private health coverage.

Flu may leave Texas a bit weak
May 2, 2009

The global recession has already infected Texas exporters. With the state's fortunes increasingly tied up with Mexico, the swine flu epidemic could further weaken the economy.