June 23, 2010
"EPISD is one of our key institutions, perhaps as important as UTEP. For EPISD to move up, Garcia & Co. need to move on. Several years ago, Socorro ISD teachers and taxpayers rejected a bond election, and then ejected the Superintendent and her whole team. That’s what needs to happen now at EPISD. For months, "priority division directors" have threatened teachers who told the truth with retaliation. Do you now want these directors to have the right to fire courageous, hard-working teachers who stood up for kids? How can a handful that crafted a "plan" that was voted down by 70% of voters, now get to do the reduction plan to fix it? Don’t double the trouble by leaving Garcia’s team in charge.”
Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

EL PASO - On Friday, June 25, 2010 at 10:00 a.m., at Senator Shapleigh's District Office, State Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D- El Paso), and a unified group of parents, students, counselors, administrators and teachers will hold a press conference to speak out against cheating on TAKS testing, pay raises of $51,000 to certain administrators and corrupt contract practices at EPISD headquarters under Lorenzo García.
"We ask every teacher, business or parent that fears retaliation to call us at 544-1990. Retaliation is against the law. If you don't speak up--you are not protected", said Senator Eliot Shapleigh.
Shapleigh's office has received scores of calls from teachers, businesses and parents about TAKS cheating and corruption. Almost every single caller has expressed fear of retaliation from 'priority directors' acting under Garcia.
"EPISD is one of our key institutions, perhaps as important as UTEP. For EPISD to move up, Garcia & Co. need to move on. Several years ago, Socorro ISD teachers and taxpayers rejected a bond election, and then ejected the Superintendent and her whole team. That’s what needs to happen now at EPISD. For months, "priority division directors" have threatened teachers who told the truth with retaliation. Do you now want these directors to have the right to fire courageous, hard-working teachers who stood up for kids? How can a handful that crafted a "plan" that was voted down by 70% of voters, now get to do the reduction plan to fix it? Don’t double the trouble by leaving Garcia’s team in charge,” said Senator Shapleigh.
The office of Senator Shapleigh has already asked for investigations regarding potential violations of state and federal laws and regulations relating to TAKS testing, administrative salaries and retirement raises, and certain contracts for 'less than honest value' under Superintendent Lorenzo García's administration.
What: State Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D- El Paso), and a unified group of parents, students, administrators and teachers will hold a press conference to speak out on "Stop the Cheating" at EPISD.
When: Friday, June 25, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
Where: State Senator Shapleigh's District Office, 800 Wyoming Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
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