News Room

A blue wash
August 4, 2009

Which American states still support the Republicans?

Written by Editorial , The Economist


Which American states still support the Republicans?

THE road back to power for the Republican party looks long and steep judging by the latest polling data from Gallup. In the first six months of 2009, only four states solidly supported the Republicans (with an advantage of ten percentage points or more over the Democrats in polls). Just one other state, Alabama, leans Republican (between five and nine percentage points in favour of the party). Contrast that with the nearly 40 states that favour the Democrats. Of course, polls can be a fickle guide. Some states, such as Kentucky, leaned Democrat last year but voted for John McCain. And a month is a long time in politics. Recent polls have shown a dip for both Barack Obama and the Democratic party, as the issue of health care has come to the fore.



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