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Summer program teaches youths skills
August 3, 2009

Part of the stimulus package passed by Congress in February is providing summer jobs for more than 2,800 El Paso youths and valuable training that could lead the participants to worthwhile careers, organizers say.

Written by Ed Shugert , The El Paso Times


Alan Bernal tries to figure out the workings of a printer Thursday that was connected to a computer he built in his class at the El Paso Community College. Students are being paid during the eight-week training program with money provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, passed and signed into law in February.

EL PASO -- Part of the stimulus package passed by Congress in February is providing summer jobs for more than 2,800 El Paso youths and valuable training that could lead the participants to worthwhile careers, organizers say.

The programs, being conducted at El Paso Community College, the University of Texas at El Paso and La Fe, are part of Workforce Solutions Upper Rio Grande's summer youth program, an annual effort. But more than $1.1 million in stimulus money has allowed the agency to expand the scope of the summer jobs program.

The areas of study include computers, engineering and health sciences. Participants in the summer jobs program ranged in age from 14 to 24.

More than 2,800 youth were certified in the Summer Youth Program in the six-county region served by Upper Rio Grande. Upper Rio Grande pays the students and pays for equipment, which the schools provide the instruction.

Thursday, more than 20 students, ages 14 to 17, were installing new software on computers they had built themselves at El Paso Community College Valle Verde Campus. A total of 44 students selected by Upper Rio Grande are learning computer skills in an eight-week program, which instructors said will give them the knowledge and skills to take the A-plus certification examination for entry-level computer technicians.

"This program teaches the kids how to be tenacious, how to develop, plan and follow through with it," said Jaime D. Farias, dean of the Education and Career Technical Education

programs at the EPCC Valle Verde Campus. The program "requires the students to use a lot of analytical skills and technical skills, but the motivation comes from each student."

At the end of the class "they will be able to recognize each component in the computer, they will be able to assemble a computer, diagnose and recognize what's wrong and repair it," said Delfina Najera, professor and coordinator for the campus' information technology systems.

Just a few weeks ago, 15-year-old Rachel Quezada thought computers were "all guys stuff" and wanted to go to cosmetology school after high school. But the program is causing the sophomore at Ysleta High School to adjust her plans.

"I'm probably going to stay with this in my future. I've learned a lot of new stuff."

Alan Bernal, 15, and his sister, Ana, 14, are working in the program. Alan said he has already fixed his grandmother's computer with the skills he has gained from his training.

"For my future, I want to be an architect," said the El Dorado High School sophomore. "From here, I've learned how to use many more programs that should help me in the future."

Najera has had the idea for this computer class for some time. The stimulus money and Upper Rio Grande's summer youth jobs program provided the opportunity to implement it.

"I had the idea if we get to these kids early enough it will simplify their lives and education," Najera said. "These days, learning is an ongoing process. Technology today demands that you stay current."

Najera has been at EPCC for 15 years and spent 16 years working as an information systems manager for Farah Manufacturing when it was an industry apparel giant.

"I've seen big changes in the IT field and I like where it's going," she said. "To think one of these small computers almost has the power of one of those mainframes" she used to work with at Farah. "... Hopefully, we'll get to continue this, I love this."

The training programs at area campuses are full, but Lauren Macias-Cervantes of Upper Rio Grande said the program still has slots available. There are family income limits for youths to qualify.

Information on the summer jobs is available at 887-2000.

The stimulus money enabled Upper Rio Grande to help about 10 times as many students find summer employment as it usually helps.

"Typically, we're able to serve 200 to 300," Macias-Cervantes said. "With the stimulus program we were able to help nearly 3,000."

The agency opened an office at the Bassett Place mall to help recruit youth for the program.

"We opened the Bassett office and we hired 20 new staff," she said.

Outreach staff went out to schools during the week and on Saturdays certified students' applications for the program, she said.

Ed Shugert can be reached at; 546-6352

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