July 10, 2009
"Vigorous new leadership nourishes the future of every great community. Taking emerging leaders to Austin will educate them on how to get things done. Best of all we get a bike trip at the end!"
Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh, www.shapleigh.org

EL PASO - On August 20 - August 23, 2009 at the Texas Capitol in Austin, Texas Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D- El Paso) and United Way of El Paso County's Young Leaders Society to host El Paso's Young Professionals Capitol Retreat. Leaders will gain valuable skills that will inspire them to return and continue to be great leaders for the El Paso community.
The retreat will present young leaders an opportunity to network with state leaders and set a vision for El Paso's progressive future. The retreat will consist of various seminar topics such as downtown revitalization, emerging cities, innovative media and reporting; solar energy, the future of health care, state affairs, 21st century mass transportation, and becoming a change agent.
The leadership retreat will feature guest speakers Representatives Carol Alvarado (D -Harris), Mark Strama (D - Travis), Joe Moody (D - El Paso), Marissa Marquez (D - El Paso), Mayor Bill White (D - Houston), Austin's Downtown Chief Officer Michael Knox, United Way Senior Vice President Jason Sabo, Austin Chronicle Journalist Wells Dunbar, Capitol Metropolitan Transportation Authority Data Analyst Lyndon Henry, and Director of Environment Texas Luke Metzger.
"Vigorous new leadership nourishes the future of every great community. Taking emerging leaders to Austin will educate them on how to get things done. Best of all we get a bike trip at the end!"
Registration is open for the El Paso's Young Professionals Capitol Retreat until July 30th. If you would like to nominate a young professional or attend please contact Analisa Cordova at (915) 544-1990 or analisa.cordova@senate.state.tx.us. For sponsorship opportunities please contact Farren Hilton from the United Way of El Paso at (915) 533-2434 x 228 or fhinton@unitedwayelpaso.org
What: Senator Shapleigh and United Way of El Paso's County's Young Leaders Society to host El Paso's Young Professionals Capitol Retreat
When: August 20, 2009 - August 23, 2009 (Registration Deadline July 30th)
Where: Capitol Building, Legislative Conference Center in E2.002. Austin, Texas (map)
Emerging Leaders Capitol Retreat.PDF
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