News Room

Litter Bags for Litter Bugs
July 13, 2009

When you hit the highway for that midsummer get-away, you can learn a lot about the other drivers barreling down the road

Written by Editorial , The Dallas Morning News


When you hit the highway for that midsummer get-away, you can learn a lot about the other drivers barreling down the road.

The guy in the pickup must be a Big Mac man since he just tossed a McDonald's bag out the window. Perhaps he was aiming for the bed of his truck, but the wind delivered his trash to the ditch.

The college kids in the Mustang appear to have had a wild night. They dumped their empty beer bottles on the side of the road.

And the lady in the Lexus seems to love lattes. She pitched her Starbucks cup when she thought no one was looking.

Amazingly, after more than two decades of being told, "Don't mess with Texas," the state is still populated with plenty of lazy litterers. In a 2007 study, more than half of the Texans surveyed said they litter – and those are just the people who admit to this dirty little secret.

Fortunately, Don't Mess with Texas is here to help.

The program, sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation, is offering friendly reminders that trash belongs in a bag.

If you spot elicit littering, jot down the offender's license plate number and a few details about when and where the trash tossing occurred. Use the "Report a Litterer" form on the campaign's Web site, and Don't Mess with Texas folks will take it from there. 

Only law enforcement officials can enforce litter laws, but Don't Mess with Texas takes a good-humored approach to a serious issue. The program sends a letter and a litter bag to reported litterbugs – just in case they don't have a trash receptacle within arm's reach.

The state of Texas should not be forced to remind you that car windows don't double as garbage disposals. But if you're at loss for what do with all those cigarette butts, the bag can be yours for the low, low price of free.

And the offer's not limited to litterers. Neatniks who already do the right thing can request a free litter bag and Don't Mess with Texas bumper sticker online.

The campaign that captures the essence of Texas has always been creative in its efforts to reprimand those who would dare sully our state. But they need Texans to be their eyes on the ground. So, when you a see a soda can go flying out a car window, take cover – and take good notes. 

Busting a litterbug

If you see a driver pitching an empty Coca-Cola bottle out his car window, the Don't Mess with Texas folks want to know about it. They'll track down the litterer and send along a warning letter and a trash bag.

Use the "Report a Litterer" link at and, if possible, jot down the following information:

•Texas license plate number

•Make of vehicle

•Time of day



•Who tossed (driver, passenger or accidental)

•What was tossed

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