News Room

Perry ready to shift campaign into gear
June 18, 2009

Gov. Rick Perry will meet with political volunteers Saturday in Austin to map strategy for his reelection race against Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Written by Wayne Slater, Dallas Morning News


Gov. Rick Perry will meet with political volunteers Saturday in Austin to map strategy for his reelection race against Kay Bailey Hutchison. The event will feature Perry and his political team-- including those in charge of organization, fundraising, social media and polling. Although Perry has made political apperances in recent months, Saturday's effort is the first big campaign rah-rah session with volunteers. Perry's campaign website says "volunteers will leave the summit better prepared to help Governor Perry win in 2010 and keep Texas the strongest state in America."

The event comes at the end of the fundraising blackout period for Perry. Under state law, the governor could not raise money during the 140-day legislative session and the 20-day veto period, which ends Sunday. Starting Monday, Perry can start taking campaign cash -- and fundraisers are scheduled this month to boost Perry's totals in advance of the next reporting period. Hutchison has been able to raise money over the last six months. For Perry, he's only got a 9-day window for fundraising (June 22-June 30) to bag as much as he can before the July 15 report is due.

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