News Room

Texas Senate Keeps Plan to Boost CHIP Enrollment
May 28, 2009

The Texas Senate is keeping alive a plan to boost enrollment in the Children's Health Insurance Program.

A Senate vote late Wednesday night sent the plan back to the House. The session ends June 1.

Written by Staff, The Associated Press


The Texas Senate is keeping alive a plan to boost enrollment in the Children's Health Insurance Program.

A Senate vote late Wednesday night sent the plan back to the House. The session ends June 1.

Currently only families making less than twice the federal poverty level -- around $44,100 for a family of four -- are eligible for the joint federal and state health care program.

The Senate plan allows families making up to 300 percent of the poverty level to get into the program by paying a share of the cost. Some families making more than that would be able to fully buy into the program.

Supporters of the plan say it could extend coverage to 80,000 uninsured children in Texas.

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