News Room

Amendment To Ethics Bill Raises Questions
May 19, 2009

An amendment added by state Rep. Norma Chavez may have derailed the El Paso county ethics bill that appeared headed for passage in the Texas Legislature. Her amendment is also raising eyebrows. It would prohibit sheriff's deputies from picking up drunk elected officials.

Written by Monica Baldarama, KFOX TV


EL PASO, Texas -- An amendment added by state Rep. Norma Chavez may have derailed the El Paso county ethics bill that appeared headed for passage in the Texas Legislature. Her amendment is also raising eyebrows. It would prohibit sheriff's deputies from picking up drunk elected officials.

The job of an El Paso Sheriff's deputy is to serve and protect. It's a wide spectrum, but it doesn't include being a taxi driver for elected officials. At least, that's an allegation Chavez said a constituent made to her.

"I don't know of a list. I don't know of any particular elected officials. But I think it's important enough to make sure it's not occurring," said Chavez.

At the last minute, Chavez included an amendment to a bill that would create ethic rules for El Paso County elected officials and employees. Now, local leaders said that move by Chavez may have halted the bill.

"That's the hysteria that Commissioner Veronica Escobar wants to throw at me. I'm not going to tolerate it. She doesn't know the process here in Austin," said Chavez.

The bill could live or die at the end of the session, but the discussion brings up another issue: Who is using sheriff's deputies as taxi drivers?

"Since I've taken over, that has never surfaced. I don't even know where that came from," said El Paso Sheriff Richard Wiles.

Wiles said Chavez needs to give the information she has to the sheriff's office.

"She needs to bring that forward. I think she has an obligation. If there's an elected official that's using sheriff's vehicles as taxicabs to get home after they've been drinking, I think she needs to bring that info forward and allow us to investigate that."

Te bill is still pending in a House committee. But it's expected to be in the House floor on Friday.

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