News Room

Texas should be encouraging, not limiting, stem-cell research
April 14, 2009

Recent scientific advances have caused tremendous excitement in the burgeoning field of regenerative medicine, which focuses on developing therapies to restore or replace damaged cells and tissues in the human body. Stem-cell research has proved to be one of the most promising areas of research, offering the opportunity to revolutionize medical treatment, drug development and biomedical research.

Written by Bernard Weinstein, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram


Recent scientific advances have caused tremendous excitement in the burgeoning field of regenerative medicine, which focuses on developing therapies to restore or replace damaged cells and tissues in the human body. Stem-cell research has proved to be one of the most promising areas of research, offering the opportunity to revolutionize medical treatment, drug development and biomedical research.

From heart disease and diabetes to Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries, stem-cell research in its many forms — including embryonic stem-cell research — holds the key that could unlock the secrets to treatments and cures that have long eluded patients suffering from some of the most devastating diseases.

Unlike Texas, many other states are making strong commitments to stem-cell research, not only to improve public health but also to capitalize on its economic development potential.

Institutions in California, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Wisconsin have been the leaders in this field, in part because of state laws that ensure the legality of embryonic stem-cell research.

By contrast, the Texas Senate has passed a budget bill for the next biennium that would prohibit the use of any state funds for embryonic stem-cell research, even as restrictions on federal funding have been removed. The Texas House is scheduled to vote on its budget bill Friday.

A great irony given the Senate action is that Gov. Rick Perry has targeted the biosciences as a growth sector for the Texas economy.

Texas currently possesses a biotechnology industry comprising about 950 private companies as well as world-class universities and research facilities and the largest medical center in the world.

But putting legislative restrictions on stem-cell research runs the risk of damaging the entire biotech sector, as serious researchers are likely to locate in states with more accommodating political climates. The economic and humanitarian losses could be huge.

Texas currently accounts for only 2.9 percent of the nation’s biotechnology industry compared with almost 8 percent of its gross domestic product. Just increasing our share to the national average would contribute an additional $87.4 billion to state economic activity and support more than 230,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs paying more than $12.8 billion in salaries and wages. State and local tax receipts would be boosted by more than $8 billion annually.

The fruits of stem-cell research also promise to reduce the financial burden of treating serious diseases such as stroke, type I diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries.

Currently, the cost of treating Texans with these ailments is nearly $14 billion a year. Reducing these costs by as little as 1 percent would save almost $140 million each year. Over a 30-year period, these cost reductions would sum to $4.2 billion. Savings would also be achieved in the state’s Medicaid program.

If Texas is to be a leader in the biosciences, with all the anticipated health and economic benefits that will follow, the state must maintain a hospitable environment for research and development.

At a minimum, Texas needs to be known as a "safe haven" for medical research, including embryonic stem cells. Indeed, if we’re serious about becoming a major player in the global bioscience arena, we should be committing — not prohibiting — state funding for such research.

Bernard Weinstein is director of the Center for Economic Development and Research and a professor of applied economics at the University of North Texas in Denton.

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