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Back UTEP: University deserves Tier One status
March 3, 2009

We urge the Legislature to take note that the future of research shines brightly on the border. And UTEP has what it takes to be a Tier One university, thus a nationally recognized university -- therefore drawing tremendous amounts of money and prestige into the El Paso economy.

Written by Editorial, The El Paso Times


Reaching Tier One status is attainable for the University of Texas at El Paso, and Texas should help make that a reality.

Tier One universities are the nation's elites in research, and when you're an elite it means many millions of dollars come to the university in your city -- and that money is generally spent in your city.

Tier One means you're spending $100 million a year from federal and state research grants. UTEP is spending about $50 million to date, helped in part on several positives we have that other Texas cities don't.

UTEP is already interfacing with the multi-billion-dollar activities at Fort Bliss. UTEP is already a big player in the field of border medicine. And as Congressman Silvestre Reyes said Friday, Fort Bliss will be home base for the military's research on solar energy -- and UTEP will certainly be involved in that, too.

But UTEP is vying with other universities in Texas. They include: University of Houston, University of Texas at Dallas, University of North Texas (Denton) and Texas State University (San Marcos).

According to UTEP President Diana Natalicio, only the University of Houston uses more research money than UTEP's $50 million. And of three present Tier One universities in Texas, one is already in Houston -- Rice University. The others are the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University in College Station.

El Paso sits in a perfect spot for Tier One status.

Money to plump up research is not expected to come from this legislative session. But there could be talk on which universities should be under consideration in the future. Let's hope the Legislature doesn't set parameters -- rules for the players -- this session. Natalicio and state Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, D-El Paso, both say UTEP fits in well and can run its own race to the finish line -- just don't throw up any unforseen hurdles (politics from larger cities).

We urge the Legislature to take note that the future of research shines brightly on the border. And UTEP has what it takes to be a Tier One university, thus a nationally recognized university -- therefore drawing tremendous amounts of money and prestige into the El Paso economy.

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