News Room

Voter ID bill goes to full Senate
February 18, 2009

The controversial voter identification bill that triggered a Senate rules fight last month on Tuesday was referred directly to the full Senate for a vote.

Written by Staff, The Austin American Statesman


The controversial voter identification bill that triggered a Senate rules fight last month on Tuesday was referred directly to the full Senate for a vote.

Senate Bill 362 could be brought up for consideration as soon as next week, several senators said.

The measure by Sens. Troy Fraser, R-Horseshoe Bay, and Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls , would require Texas voters to verify their identity before casting a ballot. Democrats are opposed, claiming it would disenfranchise elderly and minority voters.

Because of the rules change that Republicans pushed through last month, the bill won't be subject to the Senate's usual standard of requiring two-thirds approval before a debate and final vote.

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