News Room

Asarco quits: Great news for El Paso
February 4, 2009

Bring down that smokestack. Asarco in El Paso is dead. Finally. What great news it was for El Paso and area breathers of air Tuesday when Asarco LLC informed the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that it has decided not to reopen its El Paso copper refinery.

Written by Editorial, The El Paso Times


Signs along West Paisano marked two entrances into the Asarco smelter Tuesday. (Rudy Gutierrez / El Paso Times)

Bring down that smokestack. Asarco in El Paso is dead. Finally. What great news it was for El Paso and area breathers of air Tuesday when Asarco LLC informed the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that it has decided not to reopen its El Paso copper refinery.

It's been a years-long fight regarding renewal of Asarco's stated plans to reopen and the paperwork that went into a new air-quality permit -- and much local opposition.

And it's good news, too, that Asarco said it's working with the state of Texas to fund a custodial trust for the demolition of the plant and remediation of the site located near Downtown.

Thomas L. Aldrich, Asarco vice president of environmental affairs, said, "We're deeply saddened by this decision and we'd like to thank all of our many supporters in El Paso and Texas ..."

We're not saddened at all. And we don't think there were many supporters of that belcher, that dinosaur, that does not belong in population centers.

But we do agree Asarco is doing the right thing as far as its stated intent while leaving the premises. Aldrich added: " ... We also want to assure the community that we're working to ensure that our property is left in a condition that will be an asset to a great community that we have."

It's been a long fight by most in El Paso, including government officials and entities, to make sure Asarco does not reopen.

Asarco listed " ... extreme economic conditions worldwide ..." as a reason for giving up its plans to reopen.

What a good way to benefit from these "extreme economic conditions."

El Paso gets a big win because now Asarco won't reopen.

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