News Room

Bad economy strains resources at Health and Human Services
January 23, 2009

The Texas Health and Human Services office on Yandell Street handled more than 11,000 cases in the year ended in May 2008 -- an estimated 2,000 more than the year before. Administrators at all 11 El Paso County offices, which administer Medicaid, food stamps and temporary assistance for needy families, are bracing for more requests.

Written by Darren Meritz, The El Paso Times


EL PASO -- As the nation's deteriorating economic conditions begin to affect the El Paso region, more families are seeking assistance from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

"All of the offices have experienced an increase in applications from persons who had not normally applied in the past," said Margaret Adame, regional director in El Paso for Texas Health and Human Services. "They've either lost their jobs completely, or they lost hours or income."

The Texas Health and Human Services office on Yandell Street handled more than 11,000 cases in the year ended in May 2008 -- an estimated 2,000 more than the year before. Administrators at all 11 El Paso County offices, which administer Medicaid, food stamps and temporary assistance for needy families, are bracing for more requests.

"We have too much work and too few people," said Bill Howe, an eligibility specialist Texas Health and Human Services . "I have a feeling that come April, it's going to bottom out, unless we've got available some more people."

State Sen. Eliot Shapleigh on Thursday toured the Yandell office of Texas Health and Human Services, hoping to encourage staffers who are facing heavy caseloads under the recent trying times.

He said he wanted state employees to continue their work and to remain optimistic. He passed out pocket tokens with an angel to staff members.

"We received good news: We have $9 billion in the rainy-day fund," Shapleigh said. "All across America, times are tough.

We want to reach into that rainy-day fund and make sure that we help families get back on their feet."

Learn more
- What: Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
- Information: 834-7500.
- Online: www.your

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