News Room

Straus catches Capitol watchers by surprise
January 4, 2009

Straus is considered an astute pick because he's seen as a fresh face. The 49-year-old was only elected to the House in 2005. An insurance executive, he's pro-business and a fiscal conservative. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility ranked him higher than the average Republican lawmaker, for example, and higher than any other declared speaker candidate.

Written by Laylan Copelin, The Austin American-Statesman


Speaker candidate Joe Straus sought Saturday to build a majority in the Texas House of Representatives as some conservatives criticized his stances on abortion and gambling.

The San Antonio Republican's sudden ascent as the primary opponent to Speaker Tom Craddick, R-Midland, caught many off guard, even fellow lawmakers who had served with him over the past two sessions.

"When I heard his name, I was shocked because he wasn't running," said Rep. Eddie Rodriguez . The Austin Democrat said he had urged Straus to run the day before 11 ABC (Anybody But Craddick) Republicans selected him by secret ballot Friday night.

Several sources — including consultants, lobbyists and legislators — expressed similar surprise that the 11 Republicans chose such a junior member, but they spoke anonymously because the speaker's race remains so fluid.

"It may be the stupidest decision or the most politically astute," said one GOP consultant who advises legislators on both sides. "The conservatives are going crazy but I'm not sure it matters."

The consultant said Democrats and dissatisfied Republicans might have enough votes to make it a race.

Straus is considered an astute pick because he's seen as a fresh face. The 49-year-old was only elected to the House in 2005. An insurance executive, he's pro-business and a fiscal conservative. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility ranked him higher than the average Republican lawmaker, for example, and higher than any other declared speaker candidate.

Craddick wasn't rated because as speaker he seldom votes, but he pushed through a new business tax that the group opposes.

Straus also has a long track record in GOP politics, from precinct chair to minor posts with the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations.

But Straus' family ties to pari-mutuel gambling (they are partners in Retama Park) is a concern for Texans who oppose adding slot machines at race tracks.

The Retama Park partners contributed at least $84,000 to horse-racing interests who opposed or supported legislators last year because of their stance on the slots issue. Conservative activists are urging their members to call their lawmakers before they commit to a speaker candidate.

"Joe Straus is very much a Republican in name only," said Cathie Adams with Texas Eagle Forum. "He will be beholden to Democrats."

Joe Pojman with Texas Alliance for Life criticized Straus' voting record.

"He's never been a strong vote for us at all," Pojman. "We're very concerned about Joe Straus."

Straus, who was busy courting votes among lawmakers, did not respond Saturday to requests for comment. But his camp was conscious of appearances.

Although the House Democratic Caucus convened Saturday at the AFL-CIO building, Straus did not speak to them. Instead he was visiting with lawmakers individually or in small groups.

His candidacy still relies on the support of a large number of 64 House Democrats who have pledged to oppose Craddick "under any circumstances."

But Straus needs to expand his GOP base or face criticism as being the Democrats' choice for speaker.

Straus told his hometown newspaper that he has 76 votes, a majority already, and continues to solicit support.

"I'm not leaving the Republicans on the sidelines," Straus told the San Antonio Express-News. "But I'm a Republican who's not scared to reach out to Democrats."

Craddick also needs Democrats. He is counting on 10 so-called Craddick D's, including Austin's Dawnna Dukes, and has been trying to sway some of the 64 back to his side.

Dukes, who attended Saturday's Democratic meeting, remained coy.

"I'm committed to being uncommitted," she said. "And I'm uncommitted about being committed."

Asked if anything about Straus bothered her, Dukes replied, "No. He's cute."

Georgetown Republican Dan Gattis is a declared speaker candidate on the sidelines, hoping to pick up the pieces if Craddick stalls out. But members of Craddick's inner circle also could jump ship unless the speaker can convince his supporters he can win. He has invited his GOP supporters to a meeting tonight in Austin to lay out his blueprint for victory.

On Saturday, Craddick worked the phones and met with members at the Capitol.

Rep. Will Hartnett, a Dallas Republican and Craddick supporter, said the Straus choice reinvigorated the Craddick camp.

"Craddick supporters are astonished and delighted that the group of 11 nominated their weakest and most inexperience member," Hartnett said.

Craddick has been a legislator for 40 years and the House leader since 2003.

One lawmaker in the thick of the members-only race noted that Craddick remains a crafty candidate capable of winning: "His meeting Sunday night has frozen the members until then."

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