December 19, 2008
"Dr. Cigarroa is a great choice," Senator Shapleigh said. "As a medical school president, he understands the value of education. More than any other system, the UT system must deliver value for education dollars in order for Texas to succeed. Most of the growth in Texas' college graduates will be among Hispanic students and he has a wealth of experience in providing that education."
Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

El Paso - Today, Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D-El Paso) expressed his support of Dr. Francisco Cigarroa as The University of Texas System Board of Regents' pick as the sole finalist for the system's Chancellor position. Dr. Cigarroa is president of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
"Dr. Cigarroa is a great choice," Senator Shapleigh said. "As a medical school president, he understands the value of education. More than any other system, the UT system must deliver value for education dollars in order for Texas to succeed. Most of the growth in Texas' college graduates will be among Hispanic students and he has a wealth of experience in providing that education."
Senator Shapleigh believes Dr. Cigarroa will be a great leader for the system's nine academic and six health campuses.
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