April 5, 2008
Sandie Sparks-Olivar is the director and founder of The Miracle League of El Paso, an organization dedicated to assisting El Paso children ages three and up with mental and physical disabilities to play league baseball. In April, The Miracle League of El Paso celebrates the creation of a specially equipped baseball field at Ponder Park that will allow physically disabled children to play baseball alongside their able-bodied peers.
Written by Senator Eliot Shapleigh,

EL PASO – On Saturday, April 5, Senator Shapleigh will honor Sandie Sparks-Olivar with the "Adelante Con Ganas Award." Every month Senator Shapleigh awards one or more persons who have made an extraordinary commitment to service, family and community.
This month's honoree, Sandie Sparks-Olivar is the director and founder of The Miracle League of El Paso, an organization dedicated to assisting El Paso children ages three and up with mental and physical disabilities to play league baseball. In April, The Miracle League of El Paso celebrates the creation of a specially equipped baseball field at Ponder Park that will allow physically disabled children to play baseball alongside their able-bodied peers.
Sparks-Olivar collaborated with the City of El Paso, El Paso Mayor John Cook, The Junior League of El Paso and area corporate sponsors to create the facility. The league has nearly 300 children playing baseball in Fall and Spring seasons and has established a scholarship fund to assist needy families of disabled children play baseball with the league, making sure no child will ever be turned away for inability to pay registration fees. The Miracle League has partnered with area high schools, The UTEP softball team, The El Paso Rhinos hockey team, The El Paso Diablos baseball team and soldiers from Fort Bliss, among others to garner volunteer buddies for the league's disabled players.
In addition to founding The Miracle League of El Paso in 2005, Sparks-Olivar has nearly two decades of service history to the citizens of El Paso through a variety of local organization and serves as an inspiration to her fellow El Pasoans for her tireless commitment to her community.
The award ceremony will be held at the Ponder Park, 7500 W.H. Burges Dr.
What: "Adelante Con Ganas" Award to Sandie Sparks-Olivar
When: Saturday, April 5 at 12:00 p.m.
Where: Junior League Field of Miracles, Ponder Park, 7500 W.H. Burges Dr.
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